The old Master paused for a second and said, “A sub is a lot like a rushing river; if you want the river to bend to your will you don’t stand in the middle of it trying to confront it head on… even the strongest of beings haven fallen to its influence. But, if you give the river a different path to follow and guidance along that path it will surely follow your direction.”
“But” the young Dom said bewildered “its the high walls that keep the river under control… how do I create the walls that will control my sub Sir?”
The Old Master shook his head solemnly and sighed, “ Is it the walls that got higher or did the river carve its way deeper into the path?”
The young Dom’s eyes opened wide as the old Master continued… “Let the river run along the path that you have laid and it will carve out its own prison…. the key is to control the path not the river.”

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