Sunday, June 30, 2013


I was browsing profiles somewhere and seen this... I fell in love and copied it to a txt file on my desktop.  But I forgot who wrote it!  If anyone knows, please let me know and I will credit that person immediately.  I still love it and feel it could be talking about me...

I want to believe in love and that there is someone out there who not only will put me in my place but has a place for me in His life. 
I'm intelligent but sometimes I make dumb decisions.

I'm not sure if I'm smart or just a smart-ass.
I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone. 
I am strong willed and yet infinately weak.

I love too much and trust too little.

I hate lies but believe too much.

Sticks and stones are hard on bones aimed with angry art.  Words can sting like anything but silence breaks the heart. -Phyllis McGinley

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Tonight I was looking through tumblr, I hadn't been on there in ages... and I started flagging pictures that made me think or inspired me in some way or another... While I was browsing back through my treasures, taking notes (in post drafts) what thought pattern went with which picture... my brain took a sudden left turn from happy warm fuzzies to dark painful emptiness.  It was so fast I have no idea when it happened or what triggered it.... 

Whenever I mention this shift to others, some chalk it up to the grief process... but its been a while now, shouldn't I be over it?  Or at least over it enough that I can let up on myself?  

Is it my brain that goes down this path of self-loathing or is my heart beyond repair? 

Things have been good lately.  Work has been crazy, I'm getting good reports with my health... and my little girl side has been out a lot lately, I find myself being a sassy brat again!  I thought that part of me was long gone by now.... And then tonight... out of the blue...