The day has come to get Molly a beautiful new shiny silver tag. Of course it has her name on it, but it also has my name and contact information. Everyone says it is obvious that she is 'my dog', even though she was intended for my Dad. The tag is in case she gets loose, so that someone can alert us that they have found her.
However, it got me to thinking about being tagged by an Owner. Are those tags for our benefits or in case someone else 'finds' us (when we are somewhere we shouldn't be, that is)? I was told a long time ago that "pissing on my foot isn't necessary, everyone will know who you belong to by your actions." At the time, I thought He was right. Then i got to where I thought he was being an ass about it... now I am thinking about it again. Looking back, I can see now that He didn't want to really own me, just keep anyone else from doing so. But his words are still true, wouldn't our actions indicate not only who we belong to but also what he allows us to get away with?
I was brought up to never disrespect my family in public, that disagreements were for private time when other people could not be influenced by a display of emotion, positive or negative. I still believe that and do my best to live in that fashion. I don't air my dirty laundry in public nor do I desire to have my Partner put everything out there for everyone to see. Its not that I am ashamed or embarrassed, but I demand more respect than that! I've been down that road before and it is a path I refuse to take again. Does that make me unslavelike? Well if it does, tough.
When in a relationship, my actions are a constant reflection of the One I serve, the One I want to please, and the One who is molding me. Why would I insult him in such a way just because I am having an emotional tantrum? Being single, I feel that my actions, speech, and mannerisms convey what I am looking for ~ or perhaps what conditions I will work best under. If this makes any sense?
I guess when it boils down to it, I want people to know Who I belong to, not because of my tags or markings, but because my love and devotion to Him shines so brightly... they can see Him in me. (A bit more romantic than I normally like to admit, yet very honest.)
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