Being home is difficult on the little girl. She can't take those things with her that would normally comfort her. No crayons, coloring books, paci, stickers, or sparkley fidget-y things. I feel so disconnected, and I don't know how to put it in words.
Talking with a Friend tonight revealed that I have always been high maintenance. Not in the fact that I want large amounts of attention/time, but in the fact that the small things are what matters the most. He also said that it is very difficult for a Man, especially a Dominant Man, to understand since it tends to be a "girly thing".
I try to be a good girl, I really do. I don't touch without permission. I behave in a way that would please Daddy. But sometimes I have to stomp my foot for a little bit because no matter what I do, I can't communicate exactly what I need. I'm not very patient, usually I am with others and only impatient with myself... but for some reason... I am having a very hard time being patient now.
The little girl needs to know that Daddy misses her, thinks of her, and wants to talk to her -- even if it is just for a second.
The slave side is restless, hungry for ways to please Him.
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