- Prohibition against people with disabilities from moving to the United States
- Prohibition against people with disabilities marrying
- Prohibition against people with disabilities having children
- Mass institutionalization
- Forced sterilization
This is too horrific to be fiction, even the thought of it shatters my heart... I cannot imagine what it was like to be living with a disability in this period. I would say that it wasn't living at all, but existing.
Overcoming Past Barriers

What world and national events occurred that influenced a CHANGE in disability policy and practice?
* World War I and World War II
* Returning Veterans with disabilities integrated into communities
* John F. Kennedy became President - he had a family member with a disability
* A special President's Panel on Mental Retardation was formed
* The Civil Rights Movement
* The Feminist movement
* Research Centers and Training Programs - Funding for research centers and training programs to identify best practices and prevention strategies for mental retardation was provided.
* Health services for mothers and children were established during this time period.
* 1968 - The Architectural Barriers Act - Required that federally constructed buildings and facilities must be accessible and usable by persons with physical disabilities.
* 1970 - The Developmental Disabilities Services and Facilities Construction Amendments (P.L. 517) - Constituted the first congressional effort to address the specific needs of people with developmental disabilities. It required a State plan to describe the quality and extent of services available.
* 1973 - The Rehabilitation Act - Prohibited discrimination against persons with disabilities in executive agencies and in any program receiving federal funds. It also created a federal board to coordinate and monitor access to public buildings and transportation.
* 1975 - The Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-144) - Mandated a free, appropriate public education for all children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.
* 1975 - The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act - Funded services for persons with developmental or severe long-term disabilities, established a system of protection and advocacy organizations, and outlined a series of rights.
1976: Higher Education Act of 1972- Provided services to students with physical disabilities who were entering college.
* 1980 - The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act - Authorized the U.S. Department of Justice to sue states for alleged violations of the rights of people living in institutions.
* 1984 - The Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act required that registration and polling places for federal elections be accessible to persons with disabilities.
* 1986 - The National Council on the Handicapped Issues wrote a publication, Toward Independence, which outlined the legal status of Americans with disabilities and documented discrimination. It also called for federal civil rights legislation.
* 1986 - The Protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act - Set up protection and advocacy agencies for people residing in mental health facilities.
* 1986 - The Air Carrier Access Act - Prohibited discrimination against persons with disabilities.
* 1987: The Rehabilitation Act was amended -It modified funding regarding institutional care to affirm that it is in the national interest to offer people with developmental disabilities the opportunity, to the maximum extent feasible, to make decisions for themselves and to live in typical homes and communities where they can exercise their full rights and responsibilities as citizens.
* 1988 - The Fair Housing Act Amendments - Added persons with disabilities as a group protected from discrimination in housing and ensured that persons with disabilities are allowed to adapt their dwelling place to meet their needs.
* 1988 - The Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act - Provided grants to develop assisting technology programs for persons with disabilities.
* 1990 - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments (IDEA) - Reauthorized programs under the Education of the Handicapped Act to improve support services to students with disabilities, especially in the areas of transition and assistive technology.
* 1990 - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Prohibited discrimination against anyone who has a mental or physical disability in the area of employment, public services, transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications.
* 1990 - The Television Decoder Circuitry Act - Required closed caption decoders to be part of all televisions with screens13 inches and larger.
* 1991 - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1991 - Enhanced infant and toddler programs and extended the IDEA support programs.
* 1992 - The Rehabilitation Act Amendments - Included changes intended to increase access to state vocational rehabilitation systems, to enable consumers to have greater control in the rehabilitation process, and to provide opportunities for career advancement.
* 1993: The National Voter Registration Act also known as the "Motor Voter Act" - Made it easier for all Americans, including persons with disabilities, to exercise their right to vote by expanding sites for voter registration.
* 1994 - Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act (reauthorized the 1988 "Tech Act" )- Established to develop consumer-driven, statewide service delivery systems that increase access to assistive technology devices and services to individuals of all ages with disabilities. The 1994 amendments emphasized advocacy, systems changes activities and consumer involvement.
* 1996 - Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Amendments of 1995 - Included a new family resource and support program that supports state efforts to develop, operate, expand and enhance a network of community-based, prevention-focused, family resource and support programs which would be equipped to address, among other things, the additional family support needs of families with children with disabilities.
* 1996 - The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act Amendments - Enhanced Developmental Disabilities Councils, Protection and Advocacy Systems, University Affiliated Programs, and Projects of National Significance.
* 1996 - Telecommunications Act - Required that telecommunication equipment and services be accessible and usable by persons with disabilities.
1998 - The Assistive Technology Act - Continued federal funding for states to improve and expand access to assistive technology devices and services for people with disabilities.
Why did it take sooo long for people with disabilities to be seen as citizens/people? I have shoes older than that... The worst part is, that one was not considered disabled by the same means we use today, it could of been as easy back then as your family not wanting you around.
The whole thing just breaks my heart.
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