When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously. ~Shakti GawainI must begin to listen to myself, not only my head but also my heart. To quote my best friend, I need to know the rules of the game. I have the right to ask what someone's intentions are, what their interests are, and then make a decision if it is something I can handle or something I am even interested in.
As a single woman, it is more than my right it is my responsibility. That little girl within deserves a safe environment to express herself without fear or retribution. The slave that has been so closely guarded deserves protection. Until I find that person who not only wants to take care of those girls but who also will protect, nurture, guide, and wants to own them, it is my job to ensure they are safeguarded.
In every other part of my life, I am confident and happy with who I am. But when it comes to power exchange, those hurts of the past cause me to question myself – and I hate that feeling. I have been looking to someone else to justify my own needs or accept me when I need to focus on accepting myself. I have gone through this once before, and was rewarded with an amazing relationship that rocked my world. However, I lost sight of who I was and things ended quickly. I am confident that when I begin to allow my heart and head to guide me, knowing that I have truly accepted, embraced, and love those parts of me... I will draw in those who will not only respect those sides of me, but long for them as much as they ache to surrender. I just need the courage to do this.
I just need to take a deep breath and find the courage to stand up for myself, because I know I am worth it.