Looking before you LEEP
Two weeks ago, I had a routine PAP smear. Less than 24 hours after the appointment, I was being called to come back to the office to have a cervical biopsy done. At that procedure, it was confirmed that I would need to have to undergo the LEEP Procedure, along with some other biopsies, dnc and whatnot -- not only to rule out cervical cancer but to remove my endometriosis (while they are in there, they did it all). I was terrified! I prayed a lot, I talked to people who have had several of the things done, and then I took a break. I disconnected mentally a bit so I could just... breathe. Its exhausting to put on a fresh coat of paint for everyone and I have very few people in my life (maybe 1?) that I can be completely honest with. I understand that my Mom and Grace were scared, I couldn't talk to either of them without them bursting into tears or brushing me off completely. As much as I love Pixie, she wasn't able to talk with me about it either. Thankfully, Master-J was there and He listened... I will always be thankful to Him for that. Sometimes it sucks being 'the strong person' in a family or a group of friends. :) I think I feared a fibro/lupus reaction after the procedure more than anything. I really didn't have a fear that it would be cervical cancer or anything, worst case scenario would have been that I gotten a hysterectomy and taken some medication. 
Anyway. Surgery was successful on Thursday, I go back for pathology reports and results and all that good stuff later on this week. I remember bits and pieces of what happened afterwards. I remember a nurse telling me to "wake up and breathe", I remember a different nurse telling me it was a little worse than the Doctor expected but that he got everything.
I feel better, but it kind of sank in this weekend that... I was *this*close* to having cervical cancer. The Nurse that I clearly remember, the one that brought my family in after recovery, asked me beforehand if I had HPV. No, I haven't been diagnosed with HPV or anything of that nature. One time I had Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (thanks again for that, MountainMan) but it cleared up quickly with appropriate treatment.
So far, no fibro/lupus issues lingering behind... except for some respiratory difficulties. But I've been thinking lately about women who do not get regularly scheduled PAP Smears. I have went every year since high school, except for last year when I was so sick in the hospital. So within a few short months I developed severe dysplasia that could have lead to CANCER. That is some scary shit.. especially whenever you can be tested in a few awkward moments every twelve months.
So while I was looking around online today, I found this cool webpage that boasts it will send you an email reminder when it is time to get your annual PAP! How brilliant is that?! Go HERE and click the link to Sign up for Your PAP Reminders.
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I'll end up adding this picture and link to my blog :)
Better safe that cooter-less. lol
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