Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kinky Scouts

I have been a Girl Scout forever and a decade, but today while browsing fetlife I found information on Kinky Scouts!  A Kinky Scout Handbook and stitched badges, these are too cute!  I had to share.  These are the badges I would want to collect first *grin*

The Ball-Gag Badge:

The Shibari Badge:

The Spanking Badge!

And my favorite, within a power exchange relationship, the Deep Throat Badge... or rather, the face-fucking badge *grin*

The creative people who made the sash, Jed Phoenix of London, offers amazing fetish wear!  Here is the sash they have developed for fellow Kinky Scouts!

I'm starting to think I would look totally cute as a Kinky Scout!!  Look how adorable the badges look on it!  I just hope I don't have to sell cookies again....

1 comment:

J & Ems said...

Hi Elana,

I'm J from kinkymeritbadges.com, we're so glad you like our badges, thank you for helping spread the word. As a token of our thanks, we'd like to offer you your first badge with our compliments.

Simply email me at info@kinkymeritbadges.com with you choice of badge and your postal address and we'll get your badge in the post to you as soon as we can.

Could I also ask you to point people to the maker of the sashes, a wonderful kinky friend of ours who makes amazing clothing for the kink world, http://www.jedphoenix.com/

We look forward to hearing from you.


J & Ems.