Monday, May 3, 2010

Laid to Rest

I don't do funeral homes.
I don't do funerals.
I don't do cemeteries.
Yet, today, my Dad lead me there.

Dad looked so peaceful, like I had walked in on him sleeping... The place was packed, over 250 names in the book. my nearest and dearest friends and family were there to honor him. The service was absolutely beautiful, the sermon was focused on my Dad. In my head I could hear him singing over the voice of the singer.

It was 2 years, to the day, that Miss J passed, that we laid my Dad to rest.

It still doesn't feel real.
I'm sure I will wake up soon.
He can't really be gone...

*Considering I am in a small town and He passed in the wee hours on Saturday morning, the funeral was on Monday afternoon, no notice other than word of mouth... 250+ people is an amazing amount. It was standing room only at the service.

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