Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Makes a Man

What makes a man a man? A friend of mine once wondered. Is it his origins? The way he comes to life? I don't think so. It's the choices he makes. Not how he starts things... but how he decides to end them. — Agent John Meyers, Hellboy
Consistency and emotional/mental strength are two extremely important characteristics that I need in a Parnter. I don't understand overly feminine men. I don't get along with them and I tend to end up being the one in control. Not because I want the control, but because someone has to step up and be "the man". Don't get me wrong, I understand and embrace that everyone cannot be strong all the time, but when someone falls apart over something super minor ~ I lose faith that He will be able to be there for me when my world falls apart.

We all make bad choices, that is part of being human. But seeing things through and sticking with it, supporting the fact that one has made a decision, is the important part. Even if it involves changing our minds and turning things around... Follow through is a very attractive trait.

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