'Come to the edge', he said.
She said, 'I am afraid'.
'Come to the edge', he said.
She came.
He pushed them...
And she flew.
~Guillaume Apollinaire
She said, 'I am afraid'.
'Come to the edge', he said.
She came.
He pushed them...
And she flew.
~Guillaume Apollinaire
This has always been a favorite quote of mine, hearing it first years and years ago when first finding power exchange relationships. I don’t think this is a literal cliff, of course, more of that emotional place blocked by fear. Fear of abandonment. Fear of additional pain. Fear of loss. Fear of being displeasing. There are so many things that can block the path of happiness, fulfillment, and joy. The reasons always seem justified at the time, because the fear is so great that you cannot see the forest for the trees. But, once overcome, so petty.
The actual act of overcoming a fear is something very personal and private, something each must do for herself. There is nothing anyone can do to help us through it, except perhaps the promise of something amazing on the other side. Then again, that isn't guaranteed, so we must overcome things for ourselves. As that is all we can truly count on in the long run.
However, this quote touches a girls heart because it speaks of a bond so strong, a desire to obey so great, that perhaps we can be lead through the fear to the other side. Even so, before He could push her into flight, she had to take that blind step forward. Maybe that is the hardest part, that first trusting step on absolute faith. Faith that what is to come, is not only greater than the thing we fear, but worth the pain of setting ourselves free of that emotional bondage.
Its not easy. But when is something worth having, worth doing, ever been easy?
1 comment:
"Its not easy. But when is something worth having, worth doing, ever been easy?"
Truer words have never been spoken
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