A connection based not just on getting what you want, but moving beyond what you want into what could deeply fulfill you.

A Connection
Elusive and rare
Just my imagination??
Sometimes I have to ask myself, if I am seeking the things I feel that I need/desire, why am I enticing those that mirror my own issues? Is it true that opposites attract, or that two of a kind is better? Many are comfortable being as-is, remaining unhappy so they don’t have to step outside of their zone. It seems that men and women are both struggling with the same confusion. Men are hypnotized by porn stars, seemingly perfect bodies (air brushed or plastic), eager to begin a sexual relationship immediately. Women are bewitched by the perfection of fairy tales... Yet in the real world, it is much easier to abandon ship than try to repair the vessel. Using the excuse that they have “fallen out of love” when the truth is they made a choice not to maintain the relationship/connection. Some argue that things were easier in the “good old days”... they weren’t effortless, they were just very permanent. Then again, way back when, they were not expecting love to be unwavering, it was accepted that it took time to develop between two people.
Yes I hope to find the right connection one day. But, being the hopeful romantic female that I am (even though I am closeted about it), I need a mental/emotional connection first. I’m unable to jump into a physical relationship, giving my body over to Another and keeping my mind/soul out of it. I’m just not wired that way. I really become frustrated when the number one connection that most want to develop is the sexual one! I feel like that is taking the easy way out or looking for instant gratification rather than a fulfilling connection. So where is the compromise? How can that be compromised yet also contain power exchange? I think that is where I am finding my problems... But I have faith, that the right One will be able to maneuver us both where we need to be.
Connection + Compatibility + Compromise = Fulfillment
At least, that is the way I hope it works.
But do not fear...you will come into the possession of one who will not only accept your slavery, in its beauty, tenderness, needfulness, honesty and truth.. for whom you will be a treasure, an incredible and marvelous treasure..
one to be kept under the closest of disciplines.
~John Norman