Many have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it.
You remain responsible forever, for what you have tamed.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
You remain responsible forever, for what you have tamed.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
I love this picture, the peaceful rest that comes from having One you trust completely in control. The ability to relax next to Him, happy just to touch Him, the calm that is produced from focusing on obedience and pleasing Him.
I like this quote and I dislike this quote.
I do think that everyone should not take certain decisions lightly, and that when in control of another, things must be thought out thoroughly. I have never understood the desire to keep a person at home instead of working, but then the complaint of “little money coming in” is voiced almost immediately after. Or on the flip side, the angry stabs of “He is not making decisions!” coupled with non-obedience. I think it all boils down to people who are not happy with themselves cannot be happy with someone else.
But at the same time, one cannot just up and quit one day. Where does that leave your partner? Especially when the One who decides to 'stop' is the One who was in complete control. You guided your partner to this level of dependence and fed her need of your attention, so it is your responsibility to take her back to an appropriate level of independence. It takes two people to keep things alive and fun, just having adventurous interests in the bedroom does not mean that both are off the hook as far as keeping things fresh. I don't think that many Owners understand how intensely ownership hits a girl, that it isn't something she can just 'snap out of' and go back to being Princess Barbie.
When I began this post, I had more to put down. . . but my fibro isn’t allowing me to remain here long (and the pain is distracting my thoughts) so I think I’m finished with this quote. :)
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