Thursday, October 2, 2008


Go ahead... I have a shovel and
plenty of room in the back yard.
Yeah, its been that bad lately.

Lets just say that the sweet soft-spoken girl I used to be has been kicked out by a 'shovel toting body dumping do not sass me if you know what is good for you' bitch. The worst part is that I don't even give a rat's ass if anyone else doesn't like it. my focus is either ball up or shut up.

Its not that I am just short-tempered or in a bad mood. And to be honest, I’m unsure if it is the seemingly constant muscle pain/stiffness... or the return of being dizzy, shaky, and queasy the majority of the time... or perhaps it could be the never ending hot flashes that last all freaking night. So that I cannot rest because the sweating pouring off of my entire body completely wears me out even further... I don't know what it is, but something is wrong. I think the worst part is the splitting migraines that fill my head with so much pain I cannot even think. No matter how obedient I am to doctor’s regimes, massive amounts of expensive medication I take, or how honest I am with everyone - I cannot find a primary doctor who is able to see past my body to see my symptoms, or who knows enough about fibromyalgia to realize that something is wrong.

I am adjusting to major medication changes and trying to manage these severe fibro flares . . . I just want to be back to normal as soon as possible.

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