Storms make trees take deeper roots. ~Dolly Parton.
The last forty-eight hours have been totally chaotic, emotionally draining, and hurt more than I ever thought possible.
I don’t know what in the hell is going on in anyone's mind, but everything in my world has been turned upside down. Yet the only way I can express my pain right now is through verbally explosive anger. Not at my family or anyone at work, but I think its my medication that has been causing me to be . . . mean. (Poor Spanker and Trucker are getting most of it right now.)
Grace took me aside today and listened, she has been amazingly mature about everything. She has been supportive and hasn’t given me her opinion or try to influence my thoughts one way or another. She did give me something to think about though. . . and it has helped a lot.

I am like a tree, my spirit/personality/heart is the trunk. The tree presented to the world and experiencing everything, good and bad.
Some people are my roots. Keeping me grounded, giving me nourishment. No matter what happens, these people are absolutely there to keep me safe.
Some people are the branches, extensions of myself, my thoughts, my needs, my interests. These people reflect my attention, desires, and where my focus is. Storms come and go, yet the branches flex and sway with the winds to remain intact. Sometimes, when the connection between trunk and branch weaken, the branch can break. . . if not removed from the tree eventually, the dead branch will smother/kill the tree.
Some people are the leaves and will be there for a season, before falling away. Not really connected to me in a way other than through my branches.
People are in your life for a reason or a season. Grace said that sometimes we need to wait and see how things go. . . that if it works out, then the person was a root after all. But if it falls apart completely, never to recover, then the person was a branch and. . . it was time. I understand where Grace is coming from, she is trying to help me remember to be patient yet observant.
Grace hugged me so tight, and said the very same thing I had been thinking “Elana, I know that Pixie is a root. Maybe you both just needs some time.”
And I cried. . . and I pray she is right.
Some people are my roots. Keeping me grounded, giving me nourishment. No matter what happens, these people are absolutely there to keep me safe.
Some people are the branches, extensions of myself, my thoughts, my needs, my interests. These people reflect my attention, desires, and where my focus is. Storms come and go, yet the branches flex and sway with the winds to remain intact. Sometimes, when the connection between trunk and branch weaken, the branch can break. . . if not removed from the tree eventually, the dead branch will smother/kill the tree.
Some people are the leaves and will be there for a season, before falling away. Not really connected to me in a way other than through my branches.
People are in your life for a reason or a season. Grace said that sometimes we need to wait and see how things go. . . that if it works out, then the person was a root after all. But if it falls apart completely, never to recover, then the person was a branch and. . . it was time. I understand where Grace is coming from, she is trying to help me remember to be patient yet observant.
Grace hugged me so tight, and said the very same thing I had been thinking “Elana, I know that Pixie is a root. Maybe you both just needs some time.”
And I cried. . . and I pray she is right.
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