I think this is part of the ultimate fairy tale, a Man with the fire to own and possess that matches a girl's blaze within to serve and obey. . .How precious and beautiful, I thought, is a woman, how unsurprising that a vital man, without compromise, simply wishes to own such a fantastic, delicious creature, how unsurprising that he wishes in the full and glorious heat of his blood to overwhelm, devour, dominate, and master her.
~John Norman
Each look is kindling, each touch a spark, fanned by interest until it blazes into a wild fire of passion. Eventually the newness wears off and this amazing relationship between Master and slave becomes the routine life of John and Jane Doe. Real life interferes, urged on by overdue bills, odd job hours, prying relatives, car problems, and grocery shopping in the rain. I imagine the only way that relationships make it through all of the hectic distractions is to have the inner drive to succeed. The need to remain that level of power exchange, embracing the role and truly finding peace in one’s position.
As a woman, I have this unwavering longing to serve, be found pleasing, obey, and be malleable. Its like this fire deep in my heart that blazes uncontrollably, so that each thought is on Him and His wishes. For a Man to understand this, He must also burn with desire to control, guide, and own such a girl.
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