Monday, September 8, 2008

Domestic Discipline

I saw an episode of ‘Wife Swap’ where one of the families seemed to be based on domestic discipline. That family was horribly smothered by the Dad’s almost nazi like level of control. Yes I know that I need my partner to be in control, but not to the point of making the whole family miserable. Then again, I keep telling myself that they are showing one of the extremes... or is this pretty much the norm?

Don't get me wrong, I ache for that Person who will keep me within His discipline, giving me structure, boundaries, and guidance each day. Allowing me to focus on pleasing Him, being obedient, supportive, and treating Him with the utmost respect at all times.

Someone said it best: It is the roll of the dominant to help her become the submissive or slave she feels she was born to be. He can help guide her, and help her discover things about herself that she has yet to realize, and give her the acceptance she needs, but it is her job to take the steps. All he can do is try to make that path as easy for her as possible by providing a safe loving environment for her.

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