A Master to a slave-girl: "In your weakness and need, and love, in your honesty and truth, you are a thousand times stronger, and greater, than such caricatures of women, than such travesties of women, than such pseudomales and facsimile men, denying themselves and their feelings, holding themselves rigid, not daring to feel or be themselves."
~ Renegades of Gor, pg. 243
People are quick to remind a girl that she is not allowed any secrets or omitted truths from an Owner. But sometimes those same people do not take into consideration that we, much like they, are merely human. We all have times that we aren't exactly proud of our needs or our behaviors. We all grow weak, surrender to emotional needs and yield to those moments of fear that can be so intense our education/training goes out the window.
The need to be open, exposed, raw to that Person we hold in such high regard, as if He will save us somehow. At that moment, He is quick to throw up his hands to keep her at bay, because that is a little TOO honest. I don't know how to do it half-assed, I don't understand what to exclude and what to lay at His feet. If you want honesty from me, you have to be willing to take it ~ good and bad. I also believe if I have to screen what I reveal to Him, then He isn't one who should be in control of me. . . in any fashion.
Then again, Marilyn Monroe said it best:
The need to be open, exposed, raw to that Person we hold in such high regard, as if He will save us somehow. At that moment, He is quick to throw up his hands to keep her at bay, because that is a little TOO honest. I don't know how to do it half-assed, I don't understand what to exclude and what to lay at His feet. If you want honesty from me, you have to be willing to take it ~ good and bad. I also believe if I have to screen what I reveal to Him, then He isn't one who should be in control of me. . . in any fashion.
Then again, Marilyn Monroe said it best:

A topic I enjoy posting on, here is a previous entry.
1 comment:
Beautiful post sis. I recently read something that I think we sometimes forget and we go around thinking that it is all about us "behaving" right. It's not the truth.
We acknowledge that its about total surrender. Giving ourself wholly to another person. In order to do that we have to truly trust our parter and guess what? Trust is a priceless gift.
In what I was reading this man...who was the absolute definition of control and claiming what was his...said to her...
"Do you know what I believe love is? It's the same. It's total surrender-giving yourself to your partner, putting their needs and desires above your won and trusting them....Trusting that person, to do the same"
I guess what I am getting at...it's not just the work we have to put forth...they have to as well. We can't surrender to them the deepest parts of ourself if they cannot give that of them self.
Love you sis
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