Monday, August 4, 2008

Just thinking...

It just clicked.

Listening to Grace's blog again tonight as I work yet another 3rd shift at work. For some reason, an ex keeps drifting through my mind. Not the bad things, but the good times I had with him. I can honestly say that I think that is the last time I truly enjoyed dating, going on dates, etc. He truly understood how important movies are to me, what they can communicate and how much I need that sometimes... Marsiglio was his nickname, and when he was sober, he was a lot of fun. I hope he is sober now, for his sake.

While thinking about Marsiglio, I've realized why I have not released my anger with MtnMan. After all, what Marsiglio put me through was much much worse. At least MtnMan was sober, never hit me, and they both cheated... a lot.

I just discovered that I blame MtnMan for my fibromyalgia.

He didn't give it to me like one would transfer a cold or something, but he did bring down my health slowly... keeping me so tore up emotionally that I couldn't recover. Pelvic infections, the flu, bronchitis, abscesses – my immune system didn't stand a chance. So what do you get when you add that kind of emotional abuse with walking pneumonia, follow it up with yet another case of the flu? You get Shingles. What happens to an exhausted broken immune system once shingles gets a hold of it? That's right, you develop fibromyalgia.

At least when Marsiglio made me sick (with bronchitis and pneumonia), he had the manners to be nice to me and ensure I became healthy again. Not MtnMan-- he just took it as an opportunity to claim “emotional abandonment” and bed hop his way across town.

Even now, when I think back on Marsiglio, I smile. I treasure the good memories with him, choosing not to focus on only the bad. Once he sobered up after we had both moved on, he did man up enough to call me.... apologize and get to know me again, sober. Which was nice.

What has MtnMan done since we broke up? Stalked me, peeked in my windows, sent me tons of mail proclaiming his love for me... yet he never apologized, he never understood what he did to me. And as he continues to call me from his current wife's cell, I see that he never will.

But at least with Marsiglio, I have good memories to keep me company on nights like this. In a quiet house, listening to music I loved way back when. Not that I am missing him exactly, I just find myself hoping to meet someone else that I have so much in common with-- that being with him will be... fun... If that makes any sense?

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