The path to slavery is so narrow that two cannot walk upon it at the same time, hence why the slave must crawl behind. ~Unknown
There is something about this quote that I love and something that I hate, just as strongly.
I love the imagery it uses to convey the meaning I took, that two people cannot walk equally, head back, eyes on the road, side by side. The slave, if she desires to be such, must be willing to follow. Not only follow, but in such a way that she is at a crawl. That means that the slave must have the faith to abide by His guidance, without seeing the path ahead, only knowing that He is going before her... guiding her... bringing her through... is it easy? Hell no. But then again, nothing worth gaining is easy. The further along the path, perhaps the more it narrows, and the more important the boundaries are.
I think it also speaks volumes about the relationship, that to ensure they remain on that road, their positions must stay constant. I am not saying that He cannot have a bad day, He can, He can also be vulnerable ~ as they are both human... But that doesn’t mean that she should distrust Him completely during those times, maybe those days are when He needs her unwavering faith the most?

I have seen what happens when the girl decides to start walking with Him a million times, there is only room for One to be in control and it usually ends up being the girl who was like “enough of this crawling shit, you don’t know where you are going!” She might as well have said, “I’m walking, move over!” Those “relationships” seem like such a farce because He ends up being lead around by his dick, as if it was His leash.
This is where i tend to get a little hypocritical because I do not agree with the popular mainstream thought of “slave equals complete domestic service and Master means never doing any chores ever, not even taking out the garbage”. Yes, some arrangements may work like that, but it will not be something I could be happy in. I have met so many guys who are just so fucking lazy that they think “I’ll get a slave, that way I don’t even have to wipe my own ass” and its not a quick-fix for having a second mama come take care of him. But that is another rant.
Another issue that tends to get my temper going is when those guys mentioned in the griping above state that a slave cannot ever be a wife, because marriage is between equals and slaves are for animalistic breeding/caging. Those kind of guys, I tend to want to take away the TV/DND/fan-fiction until they wake up and smell the way they probably stink. A marriage is nothing more than a legal way to ensure that someone will be taken care of after you are gone. Yes it has MUCH more meaning to me, but lets be realistic. Legally, this is all that it states. It doesn’t guarantee anything in today’s society, except that you will need a lawyer to break up.
Can a Master love a slave? Yes. Can a Master marry His slave? Yes, if He wishes. Will either cause Him to weaken in His discipline/punishment of her? If He is going to weaken, it will happen even if these two things do not occur. So to avoid both because it might “trigger” that weakness, that is ridiculous. Then again, maybe I'm just... being bitchy?
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