Thursday, December 4, 2008

Looking Good Naked

Journal Prompt: Self-awareness, self-acceptance.
Post taken from a discussion started on FetLife about self-acceptance. The responses were overwhelming, so many women are burdened down by what they feel they should be, should do, need to look like... it broke my heart to hear from them all and took me back to when I thought the same things. I just hope that this helps... it is a one-day-at-a-time type thing. :)

Hello Everyone. Just curious if anyone watches that Carson show on the Lifetime channel called ‘How to Look Good Naked’? I must admit, at first I thought “oh great another show to dress big girls in black” but after watching it... it truly touched me. Now i cannot watch it without crying a little. The focus of this show isn’t about “looking skinny” or “dressing right” it is about complete self acceptance. It is a powerful program and I really encourage every woman, not just big girls, to watch it. But... some of His words have really helped remind me that I am beautiful, just as I am. Just having a strong desire to share it with others today and ask that ya’ll (who are able too) look him up on On-Demand or the internet or something. Its worth it. ~girl hell yeah I look good naked. (You'll get it if you watch the show!)

I think my favorite part of the show is right after Carson has the woman tell him what she hates about her body, then he brings out a line of beautiful women (in just bras and panties). Then Carson has the woman place herself in the line, where she thinks she should be, based on size of said offending body part. Like, place yourself between the two women whose hips/thighs/bellies/etc is bigger/smaller than yours. Anyway, the woman always places herself towards the end and between the bigger women... and Carson pulls her from the line to move her down where she would be, based on size, closer to the small size of the line. That part always chokes me up because so many people see themselves not as they truly are, but as their mind has painted them to be. If this makes sense? Anyway, my light came on while I was in college working in a Lane Bryant. I had to measure women for undergarments and try to coax everyone into “at least being measured, so many women wear the wrong bra size”. At first it was for sales, but it ended up being so true!! The right size bra makes ALL the difference in how one’s clothes fit. But, this group of drag queens came in one Saturday morning and had me measure them all for bras. I’m completely open minded so I wasn’t uncomfortable, but they couldn’t stop bragging on my body! The curve of my hip, my natural breasts, the shape of my back, the length of my legs, the dozen shades of golden brown and greens in my eyes – i was totally humiliated and flattered beyond belief all at the same time. That was my “oh wow... thats me” moment looking in the mirror while the Queens redressed me, petted me and totally turned me into their life size barbie for an hour. I was so touched because they didn’t want anything from me, no sex, no money, no nothing but just... to help me see the me that they seen. I used my employee discount to get them all amazing deals~ it was the absolute least I could do for those men who changed my life forever. Since then, my weight has gone up and down, but one thing will never change... I will always see the girl they introduced me too, come hell, high water, or liver spots. Because, damn girl, I do look good! ;) ~girl

Around this time of the year i tend to ask myself questions that I love and hate at the same time. Those things that force me to truly look at myself, my actions, my habits, and my thoughts. One that has helped a lot in this area, is asking myself: If I were my best friend, my sister, my mother, my daughter, or some other woman was in my position... would i treat her the way I am treating myself? Why not? How would I treat her better, be more positive, encouraging, etc? If you are owned, would your Owner appreciate how you are treating/talking about His/Her property? If you are unowned, why are you not keeping your future Owner’s property safe until He/She arrives to claim you? These are the things that help me, I hope they might help others? The following paragraph was taken from a post to a new friend, that after second thought, i thought that others might need/want to read also. I struggle with competing voices, I think that we all do. I try to make a mental shift when I find it happening, and "put in a happy tape" (its what I call my good memories), and I focus on them until the "bad tapes" (or the negativity) is far from my mind. Sometimes I have to take a deep breath and look myself in the mirror, and say "good morning pretty girl, today you have my complete support." ~girl

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