Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mr. Nice Guy?!

Look, if you want to torture me, spank me,
lick me, do it! But if this [sappy] shit continues
just shoot me now please.
~ Lori Petty
I don’t want a nice guy! Those guys are wimps who bow down to their women. They treat women like goddesses, placing her so high on a pedestal that she can do no wrong. Changing every single thing about them that may displease her, yet not requiring her devotion in return.

Yes, I want a Man who is polite, respectful, honest, honorable, and kind. However, I don't want to be able to pull the 'wool' over His eyes.

I don’t want him to take care of me because I am superior, I want Him to take care of me because I am HIS. His property. His treasure. His pet. His bitch. His slut. His. I want him to push me to become better, become more, grow to be more pleasing to Him in all ways. I don’t want to become stagnate because He “loves me as I am”. I need Him to make demands on me, test my boundaries and require me to blossom under His attention!

I want someone whose stare gives me goosebumps. I want my heart to race at the touch of his fingers curling into my hair. I want his use of me to be rough, complete, and at His whim. I want someone strong enough to make me cry, because He burns with the knowledge and desire to push past the tears, one step further, for both of us. Not because he is mean or demeaning to me, but because I want him to value my intelligence so much that he expects me to learn quickly because he knows I can.

Call him an asshole if you want, but I will call him Master.

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