Thursday, February 23, 2012

Stroking the flame

Dominant’s have strange, twisted minds, full of knots and winds, dead ends and false exits. 
They’re complicated mazes, full of redundancies and paths that don’t lead anywhere you want them to.  
But they have a core, if you can find it. It’s a tough old thing, covered in dents and rivets, but it’s still good. It still works. And once you’ve got it spluttering into life, it’ll start to burn. And it’ll start to get pretty hot.  
It’s the kind of core that, once lit, isn’t about to go out in a hurry. It’s not going to fizzle and burn out, or just fall away into embers. It’s just going to get hotter, so long as you give it enough fuel.  
And that heat? That’s going to burn and burn, until it’s almost uncomfortably hot. It’s going to consume you, or at least feel like it could at any second. It’s going to make you want to shift away, but you’ve been so cold for so damn long that you don’t want to, because you’ve got no idea when you’re going to get heat like this again.  
You’ve no idea if you can even get warm like this, ever again.  
And so you stay, and you get toasty. And so what if the edges of your cardigan start to smoke a little bit, because you feel like you’re being washed in light, bathed in heat. You feel like you’re being filled entirely up, and it makes that journey, through that maze, so entirely worth it.
Because while you were winding your way through all those paths, the maze was winding its way through you. Each little choice of left or right, forward or back, was letting it know a little more about you. And it’s one of those new fangled living mazes, the kind that can change its paths as you go, create new ways for you to try, for you to fall into. As you navigates its walls, it was navigating you, mapping and charting and filing away all the little tidbits.  
That’s why you’re here, getting a little burnt, a little toasty. Why you’re bathing in this warmth, and why I’m writing this increasingly soppy metaphor. Because you’ve managed to find the core and get it started.  
And God help you if you ever want to put it out. 
- Shared by My Trousers Rolled, on tumblr.

I think it is the dream of (almost) every submissive woman to meet a Man who burns like thousand forges to master her… who can match the ache to yield to Him completely in absolute surrender… Each desire feeding the other, an explosive circle of emotional/mental chemistry… 

-dreamy sigh- 

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