Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Understanding -vs- Respecting (It Happened Again)

It's official.  I fell for it again.  Someone comes on strong, communicates openly and desires a lot of interaction for a little while, then... nothing.  It just kind of.. fizzles out.  

I understand that -- no wait.  Pixie and I talked about this some and she has a great point.  Respecting someone's choices is one thing, understanding the reasoning behind it is something completely different.  I don't understand - any of it.  I respect the fact that people don't know what they want but I don't understand the games that are played in the meantime.

I just wish I understood.  But I can imagine that this would be me, trying to listen to an explanation about right now. (Click on her, she's animated!)


These thoughts to be continued... 

1 comment:

~~ pixie said...

Yea sis!! Recognizing the difference is our first step to not accepting it. In the meantime I am, so sorry - these type of actions really hurt us. We bounce back though and must learn. We can respect they work that way but we don't have to accept that in our world. I love you sis...