Monday, March 7, 2011

Being a shadow

I’ve never been the kind of girl that wanted up under someone all the time.  Normally I like having my space, talk every now and then, get together when its possible (and if I want to)... but I have recently met Someone online that I crave being near.  I’ve had People on my mind before, but never with this pull to touch base with Him.  I would be happy being in the same room with Him, not really talking, but just being allowed to be next to Him... touching Him in some small way... like a shadow. 

I’ve never been in this position before.  Maybe its just where its new and He is still a mystery to me?  Maybe its because the last 12 months have been so overwhelming that I’m starving for the calm-quiet that comes from spending time with Him.  Maybe its where I have felt invisible for so long, in every aspect of my life, that to meet someone who can see me... feel me through my words...  that He makes me feel like a woman... and maybe even a little safe?  Maybe its because of the last twelve months of absolute chaos, I am accepting that I  can't do it all on my own...

There is something different about HIStory, or maybe I am different this time.. He seems genuinely interested in learning me, my thoughts, my desires, and opening up to me in return...  He is on my mind, yes, but more than just a "wonder what He is doing" kind of thing... I'm torn between giving Him space and being glued to Him like a shadow.  

Or I could just be losing my mind.  :)  Either way, the journey appears it could be an interesting one.

Thank you HIStory, for introducing me to these new feelings, Sir.  

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