I am superstitious, but not excessively. I knock on wood for good luck, don’t split poles if I can help it, listen to my instincts, cross my fingers for luck, feel that intense cold chills are a sign of things to come, and have a lucky number. But I’m not as excessive in my beliefs as other people that I know. I have a friend who will exit a house/building only in along the path that she entered it! Even if she has to go all the way back through a building to come out the same way she went in.
Some other old wives tales that I follow are:
- Hiccups are caused by someone who dislikes you complaining to someone else.
- If you lance a blister or boil under a full moon it will be less painful and heal quicker.
- You must stir a pot of tea clockwise to bring peace to your house.
- When my ears are burning, I know someone is talking about me
- If you kill a granddaddy longlegs it will rain!
- The deeper the ladybird's color, the better luck it brings.
- Drinking two glasses of water can take away a headache.
- Peppermint lozenges can clear stuffy noses.
- To clear a blemish, put a dab of Vaseline on the pimple and leave it overnight.
- Sleeping on anger will plant the seed of resentment.
While I try not to bring these beliefs into relationships, I think that our past experiences will cause us to search out ‘signs’ for either good things to come or impending doom. I do have one major relationship ‘tale’ that I believe in strongly ~ I think if the Man contacts me at some point during the day, either by email or text, that He is thinking about me... and that will help ensure communication into the relationship. I also think while some secrets are poison to the relationship, some revelations are the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot.
Hmm... it appears I am more superstitious than I thought!
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