Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rant about personal responsibility

I wish the stage were like a tight rope 200 feet high with no net.. then only the most skilled would attempt to step upon it.   - Sanford Meisner

I ran across a profile on collarme that almost made me sick at my stomach. In a way, my heart broke for this girl - but at the same time I can't imagine entering a power exchange relationship and NOT educating yourself first!
"i used to have illusions about being smart and going to college and having a family, but luckily i met my first trainer who taught me what a useless thing i am unless my holes are being used to please and amuse my betters."

Who would be to blame in this situation? Neither people seem to know what they are doing, how much of the responsibility to teach her does the "dominant" have and now much of that education is her own responsibility? I could understand several decades ago when the majority of things were underground and you had to know someone who knew someone who knew someone... but now with the internet, there is a world of information at her fingertips. Today it is easy to find local munch/discussion groups to gain experience in a safe environment...then again, one would have to glean what they desire to explore from the plethora of knowledge out there. 

I have often read the profiles of 19 year old "dominates" (both male and female), and am perplexed by how many of this new generation feel that power exchange is either about financial exploitation or about easy sex with no responsibility. Unfortunately there are others, not just the young newbies, who feel the same way... hence the profile about the young girl throwing her life away to be an "useless thing i am unless my holes are being used to please and amuse my betters". That makes my heart break to see potential tossed aside for some loser who finds his (or her) self worth by destroying others. 

I'm not sure exactly what the focus of the rant is other than it is exhausting to weed through those who know what they are doing and those who are uneducated mimickers.  It can be discouraging when our paths seem to be overwhelmed by those who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.  But I do believe, male or female, dominant or submissive, every person is responsible for their own desires, education, and experiences.  There are no more excuses, everyone was new at one time or another -- that is what local discussion/munch groups are for... learning - no matter what your experience level.


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