Sunday, February 24, 2013

Moral of the Story

For a couple months now, I've been talking to someone... I chose to mark my blog posts about him as private, because something felt off...  It wasn't anything he was doing though, in fact he was doing everything right.  He sent me flowers on valentines day, had taken me to a dozen dinners or movies, but still... something .... wasn't right.  

Then this morning, a friend of mine suggested that I get this free app that syncs the numbers in my iphone to my facebook contacts, updating the pictures and whatnot.  I thought, its free, why not?!  So I did.  Imagine my surprise when Ron's name and Ron's picture came up as a new contact, Gregory.  Suddenly, I had all of Gregory's information in my phone... his work details, office phone, wife's name, children's names, etc - but it was Ron's picture.  

So the moral of the story is: if you are using a fake name to cheat on your wife, spend the $20 and get yourself a burner phone that isn't synced with a facebook account. 

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