'You responded well to the taking,' I said. 'Perhaps it is fitting for you.
'You do not respect me,' she said
'You do not want to be respected,' I said. 'You want to be cherished, treasured, handled, abused, mastered, owned, subdued, forced to serve and love.'
She was silent.~Renegades of Gor
Something about this quote lingers in my soul. "You do not want to be respected... you want to be cherished, treasured, handled, abused, mastered, owned, subdued, forced to serve and love." At first glance it may sound like a bad thing, but I cannot get it out of my head. Yes those are things I want, and to give me those things a Man cannot truly respect me in the sense of seeing me as an equal. And I don't want him to! I don't want to be his equal, I want to be his treasure, his possession, his pet, his cherished love, and sometimes his property. Good or bad, raining or sunshine, I want to be His. Deep down, I want to be His, truly His.
But there is a difference between being disposable and being valued, because I want the second. Yes it may sound bad at first, but I want him to do anything- come hell or high water- to protect me, guide me, keep me safe and hold me close to Him... Not dispose of me like some two bit street whore picked up at 3a in an alley. Yes I am a feminist, I do not desire this because I am female and can not do it alone-- I want this because I have a gentle spirit, a giving heart, and a burning need to please and serve. Yes I could be happy alone, making my own decisions, doing my own thing, consumed in my own needs/wants... I could do it successfully... but I wouldn't be who I truly am.
To me, this quote is about the difference of dynamics between man and woman, and Man and slave. Sometimes there is something more wonderful than being respected as an equal. Sometimes the best thing one could be, is His pet.