Sunday, August 5, 2007

What I want.

I get so tired of being asked "what do you want" or "what are you looking for" because if these people truly understood me... would they need to ask? I understand that people aren't mind-readers, but the more that I learn, the more I see what I want and desire is represented in various quotes from Norman's books. I hope this doesn't mean that the One I am searching for is fictional...

Anyway, here is the quote that shows the split within.


"The Goreans claim that in each woman there is a free companion, proud and beautiful, worthy and noble, and in each, too, a slave girl. The companion seeks for her companion; the slave girl for her master. It is further said, that on the couch, the Gorean girl, whether slave or free, who has had the experience, who has tried all loves, begs for a master.

She wishes to belong completely to a man, withholding nothing, permitted to withhold nothing. And, of course, of all women, only a slave girl can truly belong to a man, only a slave girl can be truly his, in all ways, utterly, totally, completely, his, selflessly, at his mercy, his ecstatic slave, helpless and joyous in the total submission which she is given no choice but to yield."

Page 102 - Hunters of Gor

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