Strong men simply need women. This will never be understood by weak men. A strong man needs a woman at his feet, who is truly his. Anything else is less than his fulfillment. When a man has once eaten of the meat of gods he will never again chew on the straw of fools. ~ Explorers of Gor
I would think that after having a truly submissive, slave-hearted woman at His feet, a man could not go back to vanilla bitches or submissive princesses. How can He sample the absolute devotion of one focused on pleasing Him and then go back to splitting hairs with someone who fights for control? During my experiences, I have had so many Ex-s return with the hopes of rekindling because future girls have fell short of the burn I possess to serve. This doesn’t make me unique, as there are other slaves this girl has met who ignite her own fires within because their own flames burn untamed.
Yes I am a strong woman. I have a strong will. I have concrete ideas of who I am, what I want, and what I need. I am passionate, intelligent, funny, and capable. Does that make me a non-slave? I don’t think so. It just means that I am in search of a Man who is stronger, experienced, equally passionate, and even more efficient than me. Someone who can teach me, lead me, shield me from some things, while exposing me to many delicious others. Will just “any man” make the cut? No, not even close. Does this make me vain? No, I’m not shallow. I just want someone who is ‘Man enough’ for me, because I am one hell of a woman. And it does not make me any less submissive or slave-like to be able to admit that. After all, I will become His property, His possession, His girl... and I want Him to be able to be proud of me. I want to ensure that His property stays safe until He claims it for Himself.
This may not be my most modest post, and my sincerest hope is that it doesn’t come across as condescending or superior. But this is a topic near and dear to my heart.
Yes, I am simply a slave.
Yes I will become His property.
Yes He will do with me what He sees fit at His whim.
And yes, I am a very strong woman...
in need of a much stronger Man.
Yes I will become His property.
Yes He will do with me what He sees fit at His whim.
And yes, I am a very strong woman...
in need of a much stronger Man.
I feel like I am not able to communicate exactly what I am trying to in this entry. Perhaps I should strike it to the trash and try again, or perhaps I shouldn’t share my thoughts at all. I am not trying to be holier than anyone. I am a confident girl but it doesn’t make me any less of a slave. Yes my focus will be on my Master and pleasing Him, but it doesn't change the fact that I have a healthy sense of self right now. Shouldn't a girl have a good sense of self? How can she truly surrender to someone else if she doesn’t know who she is or anything about herself other than she likes "kinky sex"?
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